Sunday, April 28, 2013

False Starts and Other Such Nonsense

 It all started one crisp Fall day when I had a "feeling" I should start a blog.  Obviously, this was from some external force as I would never have come up with this on my own.  In fact the idea scared me.

Offering unsolicited information about myself is foreign to my nature.  While I am like every other person on the planet, wanting to “know and be known”, the process for me is a slower and more mysterious one. The joy of the first pleasantries followed quickly by some more specific details, which open the door to a topic of conversation.  Through the conversation, it is then possible to begin to get a “feel” for the person.  I love to ask a generalized question and allow the person to offer the facets of themselves they feel safe to reveal.  When a person allows me the same consideration the freedom actually causes me to reveal more details.

Although I love getting to know the depth of a person it is better served over time.  The joy of the hunt, or the mystery of exploration is key for me.  So, as you can easily see from the preceding descriptions, I would not be the first person one would consider blog material. I am a quality-time, look-me-in-the eye conversationalist. Blogging seems a bit one way.

 And yet, my mind kept wandering back to the idea of a blog and my desire to pursue this "feeling" was strong.  The first attempt, now known as the "False Start", was in late 2010.  After a few posts life circumstances, to be discussed later, pulled my attention away.  That is where the process ended.

 Now I am back and this is my attempt to follow the internal leading and see where it takes me. It is titled Ginger's Random Thoughts because I have many interests, thoughts and ideas which I hope to explore. Perhaps you will come along for the ride.